Public Dollars for Public Schools

About Amendment 2

Protect Our Schools KY is a coalition of public education advocates and allied organizations committed to defeating a harmful constitutional amendment on the November 2024 General Election ballot

that would allow for public funds to be allocated outside “the system of common schools”
(public schools),

and instead, funnel them to unaccountable, private schools.

Pledge to Vote NO on 2

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Facts About Vouchers

Vouchers divert critical resources away from Public Schools (and instead send them to Unaccountable Private Schools.

Vouchers are wildly expensive, and present runaway budgetary costs well above most projections and fiscal notes.

Vouchers mostly subsidize existing private school students.


Vouchers will negatively impact our rural public schools the most.

This amendment is another attempt to attack public education and undermine the backbone of our communities – our public schools.


Our Kentucky Constitution is the only thing protecting Kentucky families from these voucher schemes. We must do everything we can to safeguard our public schools, and that means voting NO on Amendment 2.

Grassroots Toolkit

Utilize our grassroots toolkit, which includes the logo, style guide, and social media graphics to help you effectively promote and rally support against the Voucher Amendment.
All logo files include the .png and .jpg versions of this brand identity.

All Files - Zip Download

Logo, Social Media, and Style Guide

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